Programming Problem: Sum-Zero Triplet
Article #2 in a 9-part series.
- 1 - Programming Problem: Determine if Two Strings Are Anagrams
- 2 - this article
- 3 - Programming Problem: Palindromes
- 4 - Problem: Validate a Phone Number
- 5 - Programming Problem: Single-Edit Difference
- 6 - Prime Factors Problem 1: LCM
- 7 - Prime Factors Problem 2: Largest Prime Factor
- 8 - How-To: Substrings in Swift
- 9 - Programming Problem: Pangram
In the previous problem, we looked at anagrams for fun and practice. In this post we search for the sum-zero triplet. Given an array of integers, find three integers with a sum of zero. I encountered this problem during a phone interview and asked to write the code live in collabedit. My first thought was to do some sort of mapping, but later I realized I could sort the array in order to break from a loop early. If you’re practicing for an interview, try writing your solution in a text editor rather than an IDE. At the bottom you’ll find two variations to my solution written in C# and a sample written in Java.
The array must have at least three integers since the problem specifically asks for three, not three or fewer. Three zeros would do it, otherwise there needs to be at least one negative. Sorting an array allows us to use BinarySearch, direct our search for a third integer based on a starting pair, or break early realizing the lowest value is positive.
Continue reading...Programming Problem: Determine if Two Strings Are Anagrams
Article #1 in a 9-part series.
- 1 - this article
- 2 - Programming Problem: Sum-Zero Triplet
- 3 - Programming Problem: Palindromes
- 4 - Problem: Validate a Phone Number
- 5 - Programming Problem: Single-Edit Difference
- 6 - Prime Factors Problem 1: LCM
- 7 - Prime Factors Problem 2: Largest Prime Factor
- 8 - How-To: Substrings in Swift
- 9 - Programming Problem: Pangram
How do we determine if two strings are anagrams?
For syntax coloring, Visual Studio Code without IntelliSense works well with support for many languages. I’ve provided my solution in C# (csharp) and Java followed by Objective-C (ObjC) and Swift at the bottom (updated for Swift 5).
By definition, an anagram is a word or phrase formed from another word or phrase by rearranging the letters. Spaces and punctuation don’t count, just the letters ignoring case. Here are a few samples:
- “Tom Marvolo Riddle” <-> “I am Lord Voldemort!”
- “Dave Barry” <-> “Ray Adverb”
- “debit card” <-> “bad credit”
- “astronomer” <-> “Moon starer”
- “School master” <-> “the classroom”
Since we must use all of the letters we can conclude that ignoring spaces and punctuation, the two strings must be the same length. Also, the same phrase is not an anagram of itself.
Notice that if we sort the letters of a phrase and its anagram we get identical strings.
Continue reading...Computer Perfection and the User Experience
Like building a movie set, the virtual world created by software designers and artists begins clean and perfect. Computer models are pure, created at origin in perfect orientation. For a better experience, movie set artists add dirt and signs of aging. In a race simulator game, the track needs dirt, weathering, scuff marks, and trees require some randomness so they don’t appear too much alike. More signs of realism improves immersion and reduces distractions.
The two screenshots below reveal parked cars within racing games. Since these show off the car, likely before a racing event, clean cars are expected. The first screenshot is from Asseto Corsa by Kunos Simulazioni. The second screenshot comes from Forza Motorsport 4 by Turn 10 Studios. What’s unnatural about the parked cars in the two images?
Continue reading...iPhone Cycling Health Data Update
Last autumn many cyclists noticed pedaling a bicycle with the iPhone 6 in a pocket counted towards steps in the Health app as noted in my post in December. Besides a concern about duplicated data, my interest is in the problem space of detecting cycling vs walking/running in the general case. A third-party app dedicated to recording activities updates Health app, but the pedometer continuing to record steps created duplicated data. Below is a screen capture of the Health app on December 11 showing my 27-mile rides on the 8th and 10th with a strikingly large distance in “Walking + Running” compared to the 9th and 11th.
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
During a stay with Lord Byron in 1816 by Lake Geneva, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin worked on a story that would later become, Frankenstein on Byron’s suggestion that he and his guests each try writing a horror story. Percy Shelley (Mary’s future husband) wrote a short story, later published in Journal at Geneva. Bryon wrote a story fragment, and inspired by Byron’s main character, Polidori wrote The Vampyre. The novel, Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) Shelley was first published in 1818 (Wikipedia). If these stories were the result of a competition for best horror tale, I’d give the prize to Polidori’s The Vampyre, the inspiration for the modern vampire genre. On the other hand, if the competition was most thoughtful story, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein wins hands down.
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