Two Calderas

Oregon is home of two notable calderas, Crater Lake and Newberry Caldera at Newberry National Volcanic Monument, both within a 80 miles of each other. Crater Lake, famous for its size at 5 miles accross and 1,943 feet deep, formed 7,700 years ago when Mount Mazama erupted. Newberry is known for its “Big Obsidian Flow” which formed 1,300 years ago, from Oregon’s youngest lava flow. The panaroma above shows Crater Lake with Wizard Island taken with iPhone 6. Click image for higher resolution. Newberry Caldera contains two lakes, Paulina Lake and East Lake as seen from Paulina Peak (elevation 7,984 feet) in the image below.
A trail alllows visitors close inspection of obsidian and pumice in the “Big Obsidian Flow” at Newberry. The photographs above and below were taken with a Canon Rebel.
The Cascade Range with Mt Bachelor and Three Sisters from Paulina Peak.
When visiting Crater Lake, I highly recommend taking a drive all the way around Crater Lake and stopping at several of the 30 viewpoints or trailheads.
Impressive are the spires of volcanic ash knowns as the “Pinnacles” and Vidae Falls.
Vidae Falls from David Shrock on Vimeo.
Crater Lake views from all sides taken with iPhone.