Following up on my November Projects, I’m happy to report I made progress on my novel reaching the midpoint of the story. I don’t normally pay attention to my word counts, but since November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) with a goal of writing 50,000 words towards a novel, I’ll share my numbers. I had started writing my Draco Torre novel on November 1st on my iPad, and reached around 30,000 words by mid-month. After that I worked primarily on other projects. I also wrote more episodes for Kandy Fangs to be posted in December.

  • Draco Torre novel (part 1): 41160 words (about half)
  • Kandy Fangs: Venom: 2074 words

Keep in mind I tend to cut out substantial number of words during editing, so final published word counts for the same story material will be smaller. For writing on my iPad, I use a wireless keyboard so I can type comfortably at full speed.


This novel is actually a restart I originally began writing a decade ago. I’ve restarted once before several years ago, and after more thought, I’ve decided on the perspective. In a previous draft, I switched perspectives between the main characters in third-person. After reading the draft several times, I realized this story works better with limited perspective of a single character. Since this is my third restart, and I know this story better than my life, I’ve made good progress. I’ll keep at it, and perhaps I’ll finish the draft for this first part within the next few months.

In November of 2012, I went ahead with part 2 (book 2) before tackling the part 1 rewrite. Looking at my draft recently, I realized I nearly completed it at 92,000 words. It’s possible I’ll have both parts finished in the near future as one book or two.