The series of vampire stories at explores perceptions of time, false memories, and time travel. Some stories are non-linear and allow reading different perspectives or following different paths.

Flash fiction on this blog.


Raven Memory, a novel. Julie Walsh’s new employer, Steve Reynolds, is a professional killer with a memory problem. She wants to help him keep things straight, but her days mix up. A kiss on Tuesday melts into a kiss the day before. Next Thursday, a wraith frightens her out of her chair on Monday. Friday finds her in an interrogation room accused of murder. The call of the raven brings impending doom. Julie Walsh is a construct wrapped in darkness, dripping the blood of a memory. Published August 2010.

Shadow Memories, short story collection includes nine dark tales delving into the shadows stirring up memories from another worlds. Follow a goddess as she sets the world right again, and join a giant-sized man on his first quest. Meet a memory-eating wraith searching for his lost love. Published June 2010.

Includes my first web-serial, Dunston Monster, and other flashfiction stories.

other published stories

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