Necromancer's Camp
Adds necromancer-themed camp gear, weapons, and spells to TES V: Skyrim, an add-on for Chesko’s Campfire.

version 3.1
- Skyrim Special Edition Necromancer’s Camp v3.1 (2018-04-04) - NecromancerCamp.7z (7.1 MB)
- original/Legendary Necromacner’s Camp v3.1 (2018-04-04) - NecromancerCamp-32bit-v3.7z (16.9 MB)
also available at
- for PC on
- for Xbox One on
Feedback welcome on Discord or Nexusmods - Necromancer’s Camp. I posted some of my thoughts behind creating this mod. Thanks.
Required files
The following files included within the zip-archives above:
- DTNecromancerCamp.esp
- DTNecromancerCamp.bsa
- DTNecromancerCamp - Textures.bsa
- Adds Frostfall-compatible shelters: basic bedroll, huts, a large tent, and conjured abodes
- Most gear may be created from Campfire’s Resourcefulness - Create Item under Misc
- Tents and huts upgradeable (using Campfire crafting) to Necromancer or Daedric Study granting bonuses
- New weapon: unenchanted Necromancer’s Staff to be enchanted with necromancy spell
- Craft Necromancer’s chair for campsite or at home
- Undead minions: Skeleton Guard and Skeleton Mage Guard
- Summoned minions gain bonus from Campfire’s “uplifted” modifier
version 3
- access perks at Campfire to improve potency of Necromancer or Daedric Study book altars!
- supports Eremite Camping and Combat alchemy station
- added Necromancer Study Book build option to Skulls Twin Bedrolls
version 2
- Conjured Dark Familiar and Dark Familiar Guard
- Conjured Alchemy Camp
- Portable Alchemy Set
- Conjured abodes now include alchemy workbench
- Necromancer Walking Stick (a stick with a skull) added by request
Improve your Necromancer’s Concentration, Daedric Focus, and your Necromancer’s Walking stick. Gain points by using your Study Book Altar once a day. Access at your campfire and review descriptions in game by selecting a perk star.
- Summoner: reduced casting cost of conjuration spells with Study Book Altar blessing (Necromancy or Daedric)
- Trail Mage: improves magicka absorption power of Necromancer’s Walking stick. Vampires gain additional magicka.
- Endure: increased longevity of summoned minions with Study Book Altar blessing (Necromancy or Daedric)
Necromancer’s Bedroll
Your basic bed roll includes lantern on totem. No shelter, obviously. Craft with Campfire’s Resourcefulness - Craft Item, or at a tanning rack.
Necromancer’s Hut
Three styles available: basic, with Study Table, and two-bed. The hut design is based on huts used by witches and Forsworn. It is assumed some resources for construction are found locally and left behind. This helps reduce travel weight, but due to large size and fur reinforcements, the huts are a bit heavier than the standard canvas and fur tents. The basic hut allows room for portable crafting gear or camp furniture. Upgrade the hut with Necromancer’s Study Table. If your group needs more beds, carry extra tents or bed rolls.
Take the hut everywhere, or build several leaving them at key locations to act as bases for regional operations.
- Compatible with Frostfall to stay dry and warm.
- Like basic Campfire tents, characters may walk through sides (clip) by design.
- Includes pet bed.
- Craft only with Campfire’s Craft Item.
- Upgrade to Necromancy Study Book Altar, Daedric Book Alter, or both (single-bed only).
Crafting huts require deadwood, fur plate, leather, and leather strips, and a skull. Study Hut requires basic hut plus two skulls and 3 rolls of paper. Obtain deadwood using Campfire’s Resourcefulness Harvest Wood, Chop Deadwood. Create paper rolls from ruined books at Campfire, or purchase from vendor.
Necromancer’s Tent
This large two-bed-roll canvas tent comes in basic or upgraded with Study Table. Craft basic at a tanning rack and upgrade using Campfire Craft Item.
- Compatible with Frostfall to stay dry, less warm than fur tents.
- Like basic Campfire tents, characters may walk through sides (clip) by design.
- Includes pet bed.
- Upgrade to Necromancy Study Book Altar, Daedric Book Alter, or both.
The Alchemy Set allows a worktable to be set up anywhere——preferably on level ground. Purchase mortar and pestle along with the glassware from an alchemist before crafting the worktable. The set is heavy due in part by it’s packing trunk to help keep the glassware safe. Consider leaving it at a long-term camp, in a cave, or let your follower heft it around. Upgrade to include Necromancy Study Book Altar or Daedric Book Alter.
Craft using Campfire’s Resourcefulness, Craft Item. If you have “Eremite Camping and Combat” then requires Eremite Craft 2 perk to build.
When placing the Alchemy Set, use the level guide to help determine best landscape placement as shown below. The workbench will operate fine on a hillside, but could look peculiar.
Necromancer Staff
This unenchanted staff may be crafted at a forge found under Misc. Enchant it with a necromancy spell using Neloth’s staff enchanter in Tel Mithryn, Solstheim. Use any unenchanted staff in off-hand like a shield (without spell in right hand). This is a 1k re-texture and mesh-mashup of existing staff.
Available enchantments:
- Conjure Dark Familiar
- Summon (potent) Skeleton Guard
- Summon (potent) Skeleton Mage Guard
- Reanimated Dead
- Revenant
- Dread Zombie
Having Dark Souls perk enchants potent version to staff. Remember: must know spell to enchant staff.
Conjured shelters
Necromancer’s Conjured Abode is a master-level conjuration spell producing a fancy bed, Study Table, safe-storage chest, enchanter’s table, fireplace, and a bubble protecting from the cold. The Vampire Abode is similar with a coffin replacing the bed and without enchanter’s table bringing it down to expert level. The Necromancer’s Study Table is an adept-level spell and only provides a bedroll, chest, and Study Table. No protection from the cold or rain. Also adept-level, is the Alchemist Camp. Search for this spell book to obtain.
All conjured shelters include the same safe-storage chest. All your gear available no matter which shelter conjured, so stop lugging everything around and dump it all in the chest. Travel light, travel in style!
Face downhill when casting to create a ledge. Facing up a hill could conjure the bed beneath the ground.
Necromancer’s Study Table
Working at the Necromancer’s Study Book grants Necromancer’s Concentration, Fortify Necromancy effect, resulting in a temporary increase in duration for reanimated dead or the Skeleton Guard. Additionally, grants 7% cost reduction to all conjuration spells. Stacks with the Necromancy perk for greater duration. Similar to the other book altar, studying the Daedric Book grants Daedric Focus, Fortify Atronomancy effect. Using the Study Table will break any blessing your character may have, and adding a blessing from an alter will end Necromancer’s Concentration. You may choose to think of it as an academic advantage in mental focus, or a religious ritual.
Spell books
- Conjure Dark Familiar - Novice
- Summon Skeleton Guard - Apprentice
- Summon Skeleton Mage Guard - Expert
- Necromancer’s Study Table with bed roll - Adept (no shelter)
- Alchemist’s Camp with bed roll - Adept (no shelter)
- Necromancer’s Vampire Abode - Expert
- Necromancer’s Conjured Abode - Master
- Summon Dark Familiar Guard - Master
All spell books are available from vendors including Phinis at College of Winterhold, Fallion, and Sybille Stentor in Solitude. Ronthil in Castle Volkihar sells Vampire Abode. No vendor lists modified; script adds books to vendor at startup. The master-level abode is available at low level, but costs extra with lower skills. With adequate enchanted items, a mage may cast Conjured Abode before reaching master conjuration.
The conjured Dark Familiar (v2.0) comes in two variations (blue and violet) depending on if the player character is uplifted by the campfire. This spiritual familiar falls between standard conjured familiar and the flame atronoch.
Skeleton Guard and Skeleton Mage Guard are summoned like the Boneman or Elemental. Perhaps the skeleton comes from the necromancer’s stockpile, or is snatched away from somewhere within the world. It’s up to you on how you wish to tell your story. Duration for the guard is long resulting in higher casting cost making them nice guards to watch your back. May not be best to cast during heat of battle unless used with enchanted Necromancer Staff. Of course, the guards are happy to watch over camp while you sleep. The intent of the skeleton guard is to fill a gap in tactics such as the guard role.
- Having the Necromancy perk increases duration, and Dark Souls perk upgrades to potent guards with a boost in levels and health.
- The Campfire Uplifted or Inspired bonus improves strength (levels) of Skeleton Guard and Skeleton Mage Guard.
Potent versions of guards come with a different helm/hood. If you’d like a more colorful hood for the potent Skeleton Mage Guard, choose a texture replacer for the hooded version of the necromancer’s outfit such as “Lind’s Necromancer Robes Revamp” by Lind’s Realm as seen in the image below.
If you prefer a more ritualistic approach with reanimated skeletons, see “Corpse Preparation” by Mojo for original Skyrim. Updating to SSE for personal use involves unpacking original BSA, saving ESP in Creation Kit 64-bit, and repacking BSA with new generated FaceGen meshes and tints. See overview in “Convert Old Skyrim Mods for SE”.
Complimentary mods (PC)
- Skeleton & Human Bones by Kajuan (texture replacer) *
- Frostfall - Hypothermia Survival by Chesko
- Lind’s Necromancer Robes Revamp by Lind’s Realm (texture replacer) *
- Tentapalooza by Rusey
- Corpse Preparation - True Necromancy by Mojo *
- Sexy Immersive Skeleton Overhaul by triptherift
- Lost Caves and Ruins by farce88
Entires marked by an asterisk link to mods for original Skryim (32-bit) on Nexus. Pure texture replacers work in Skyrim Special Edition, but other mods may require minor updating for personal play if the author hasn’t updated. See my updating how-to post. Please do not repost SE-updated mods without author’s permission.
- Chesko for Campfire and Campfire Dev Kit
- LOLICEPT (lolikyonyu) for the bone, ingredient baskets and decorative stone circle floor from Lolicept Resources
- gutmaw for the bed from Snazzy HD Noble Beds
- Jokerine for open book with loose page from Jokerine’s Misc Resources
- Thanks to Xbox players ashleyclark, SpasticGinger, SniperFoxOnXbox and others for testing and reporting issues.
- Thanks to Drlove666 for requesting skull walking stick
Tools used
- Campfire Dev Kit and Tutorials by Chesko
- Nifscope - Niftools by corwin et al.
- Bethesda Archive Extractor by jonwd7
- xEdit by ElminsterAU and SSEEdit team
- SSE Nif Optimizer by ousnius
- Creation Kit, Creation Kit 64-bit from Bethesda Softworks
- Adobe Photoshop
- Gimp
- Notepadd++
Screen captures include other mods: Enhanced Lighting and FX (ELFX) by anamorfus, Skeleton & Human Bones by Kajuan, Mature Skin by Maeven, Superior Lore Friendly Hair by skyrimmagus, Beards and Brows by Hvergelmir, and The Eyes of Beauty by Gabriel Mailhot.
Please do not repost without permission. Contains assets that may require permission to use. My texture re-colors and mesh-mashups are free to use with credit.
Download Necromancer’s Camp on Nexusmods or on Feedback welcome on Nexusmods - Necromancer’s Camp.
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