Programming Basics
- Programming Problem: Determine if Two Strings Are Anagrams
- Programming Problem: Sum-Zero Triplet
- Programming Problem: Palindromes
- Problem: Validate a Phone Number
- Programming Problem: Single-Edit Difference
- Prime Factors Problem 1: LCM
- Prime Factors Problem 2: Largest Prime Factor
- How-to: Substrings in Swift
- How-to: Setup .Net Core on macOS or Linux Mint
- Programming Problem: Pangram
- Rename or Move Blog Location in Octopress 2
- How to determine disk errors on Mac; iMac External Startup Drive
- iTunes: Manage Data on Multiple Drives
- Migrate Octopress 2 to Octopress 3
Art and Writing
- How-to: Make a 3D Photo
- How-to: Make Contents Links in eBook for Smashwords
- Painting a Skull with Procreate
- Capturing smoke/steam in photo - “Smoking Candle Photo”
- Promoting Your Book at Apple
- Kandy Fangs Word Cloud checking word frequency
Skyrim modding
- Upgrade Skyrim with Mods
- Pretty Skyrim
- How to Install Skyrim Body Mods, Dual Sheath, and Animations
- Setup for Script Work with Bethesda’s Creation Kit and Notepad++
- Body Conversions for Skyrim using BodySlide, Outfit Studio
- Convert Old Skyrim Mods to SE
- How to Disable Random Dragons
- Convert Black Sacrament Armor to SE
- How to Update Meshes for Skyrim SE
- Werewolf Meter Papyrus Script Overview
- XPMSSE: Modify Weapon Positions
- Show Your Tail with Cloaks
- Skyrim Frostfall and Survival Armor Edit for Warmth
- How to get Frostfall v3.4 working nice with SKSE64